First impressions are super important in any situation. The fact that this first post of mine is acting like my first impression to all of you readers: it’s a little bit scary. I put off making this first blog post just because I was nervous as to what first impression I would give off. I want people to enjoy me and like me, something that I have always struggled with in the past.

Alas, a deadline was coming up soon for this post, and I was running out of time to think of a thought out and perfect blog, I decided something. I would make a blog post without planning or scripting, but instead just typing out the first thing that comes to my head. Ironically, this is a perfect representation of what I do. Sometimes I just have to get all of my thoughts out of my head into some sort of word-vomit, just so I’m not stuck thinking about some idea for weeks ahead.

So, here we are. You, reading this blog post of imperfectly perfect words put together by yours truly, Trey Choate. I feel as though this first impression I am presenting to you represents me and my personality really well. Of course whenever I do word-vomit or idea-vomit any idea stuck in my head, I make sure to go back and check for punctuational and grammatical errors here and there. But, I don’t change my ideas. I keep them just as written.

I’ve always struggled with first impressions. Ever since day one. If you know me, I’m typically the “small, scrawny nerd who can’t be taken seriously”. Hearing that, whether people were joking or not, took a lot of damage on me. The first impression people got from me was “small, skinny, and nerd-like” and not “creative”, or “funny”, or “can make anyone laugh”. I fell hard into a pit of struggling with self-confidence just based on the first impressions of others.

However, I recently learned not to care about those first impressions that people may see at first glance looking at me. Once people get to know me, my true personality gets to shine through. That helps me to forget all of those negative first impressions people leave on me, whether it’s verbally or through weird/confused/disgusted looks, all of which I have dealt with. Letting me be me is one of the best things I have done for myself.

By the looks of this blog post, it looks very confusing. It’s lengthy and talking about a wide variety of topics, I will admit. It is a very weird start for a first impression. You might be able to tell I have lots of thoughts in my head that just need to be written down in order for the world to hear. It may be a confusing mess, just like me. But bear with me. There will be better impressions to come. I promise.